Do you recall the last time you were mad at someone? So much time as he was shaken physically by their thought? Rarely this feeling of anger helps us to achieve what we want. Often this will lead us against us, which will cause more pain, unnecessarily.

Even the most agreeable characters can temporarily transform themselves into an old rogue if enough is enough.

Anger does not feel very well. It's pretty crude. Our stomach is tight; we have sweat, we react - instead of acting - in survival mode. And anger covers our judgment which makes us act uncontrollably by emotion. We were all there. Sometimes it can be so intense that we tremble with passion when we feel a strong hatred against other people. And when we cool down, we wonder how we allow ourselves to enter such a messy state in the first place.

Emotion is the response of our body to a thought, which can be triggered by an external situation. But this situation is perceived from the perspective of our interpretation. Unique mental concepts color our goal for each of us; The thoughts are good and bad, mine and yours, how and unpleasant, right and wrong. Keep in mind that we all have different lenses, so conflicts of interpretation are inevitable.

Four ways to overcome anger

1. Search

The quickest way to change negative feelings is to change our physical position immediately. The easiest way to physically change is to change our position. When we are in a bad state, we are probably looking down. Suddenly, looking upward (in our visual plane) will disrupt the negative patterns of sinking into the quick sand of bad feelings.

Any sudden physical changes will do the trick:

• Get up and stretch while releasing an audible sigh.

• Exaggerate and modify your facial expressions.

• Walk to a window where there is sunlight.

• Make ten jumps.

• Make a ridiculous dance that will entertain you.

• Massage the back of the neck with one hand while making a happy birthday.

2. Find the Light

Darkness can only be eliminated if there is light (such as a lamp or sunlight). Similarly, negative things can only be replaced by positive things. Remember that regardless of what happens to us outside, or what things are bad in our minds, we always have the option of talking and seeing things positively.

3. Laugh!

We cannot laugh and be angry at the same time. When we make the necessary physical movement to laugh or smile, we instantly feel with a light and joyful heart.

List a number of films that make you laugh and keep them at home. Or meet a humorous friend who can really make you laugh.

4. Meditation

Meditation is a formation for the mind; to calm the noise in our mental space, diminish our accounting, extract inner wisdom and above all helps us to recognize and remain anchored in our divine state.

Regardless of what happens outside of us, we have the ability to stay centered, in a state of acceptance, flow, peace, and love. When we are in this condition, we are rational and have the clarity we need to deal with any situation with grace and minimal stimulation in our body.

How Parents Can Partner With Teachers

How Parents Can Partner With Teachers

Know Your Place in Your Child's Education

As a parent, you are your youngster's first and most imperative educator. Whenever guardians and families are engaged with their kids' schools, children improve and feel better about the school. Many examinations demonstrate that what the family does is more imperative to a tyke's academic success than the amount of money the family makes or the education that parents have. There are many ways in which parents can support their children's learning at home and throughout the school year.

Below are some tips to get you started:

Visit the school and its website. Knowing the physical layout of the school building and patterns can assistance you interface with your youngster when you discuss the school day. It is a smart thought to know the location of the main office, the school nurse, the cafeteria, the gym, the athletic fields, the playgrounds, the auditorium and the special courses.

On the school's website you can find information about:

• The school calendar

• Contact information

• Future events such as class travel

• Test dates

Many teachers maintain their websites that detail homework, test dates and events, and travel in the classroom. Extraordinary assets for guardians and understudies are moreover available at district, school or teacher sites.

Meet your child's teacher. As soon as the school year begins, try to find a way to meet your child's teacher. Tell the instructor that you need to enable your kid to learn. Make it clear that you want the teacher to contact you if problems arise with your child. Talk to your child's teacher about tips to partner with your child's teacher.

If you feel uncomfortable speaking English, do not let a language barrier dissuade you. What you say is more vital than the language in which you say it! Ask the school to find someone who can interpret it for you. There may be a teacher or parent relationship that can help you. Or you can bring a bilingual friend or relative with you.

Attend parent-teacher conferences and stay in touch with your child's teacher. Schools usually have one or two conferences between parents and teachers each year. You can bring a friend to play for you or ask the school to provide an interpreter. You can also ask to meet your child's teacher at any time of the year. If you have concerns and cannot meet face to face, send a note to the teacher or put the time to speak on the phone.

Encourage active learning. Children need active learning as well as silent learning, such as reading and homework preparation. Active learning is about asking questions, answering questions, solving problems and exploring interests. Active learning can also occur when your child plays sports, spends time with friends, plays in a room, and plays a musical instrument, or visits museums and bookstores. To promote active learning, listen and respond to your child's ideas. Let him enter with questions and opinions when he reads books together. When you encourage delivery and delivery at home, your child's participation and interest in school will likely increase

Find, if necessary, help with homework for your child. If it is troublesome for you to enable your youngster to work at school or school, to check whether you can discover somebody who can help you, Contact the school, tutoring groups, extracurricular programs, churches, and libraries. Or see if a student, neighbor or older friend can help you.


How To Co-Parent Successfully

How To Co-Parent Successfully

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Lately, I’ve been getting a lot of questions on the secret to co-parenting successfully. People seem to be more frustrated and tired of all the “Baby-mama/ Baby-daddy drama”.  Following these simple steps will help you keep the main thing the main thing.  Here are the three steps that I practice:


#1~Keep Focused  

★ Be brief, to the point, and stay focused on your child.

★ Stay focused on present or future events. Don’t bring up past problems or situations.

★ Be positive and use a business-like tone. Remember the reason for your communication: You are passing on information to the other parent.


#2 ~Keep Calm

★ Don’t jump to conclusions or over-react.

★ Don’t write in all capital letters to make a point. This can give the impression you’re angry.

★ Don’t criticize, blame, or accuse the other parent. If some of your sentences begin with “You always” or “You never,” you have slipped into a blaming or angry tone about the other parent. You need to switch your focus back to your child.

★ Don’t make rude, mean or sarcastic comments about the other parent.

★ Don’t make demands.

★ Don’t use profanity.


#3~Remain Cooperative

★ Be respectful and courteous

★ Don’t criticize, blame, or accuse the other parent.

★ Try to get along, peacefully.

Leave a comment are share some feedback on what makes co-parenting difficult for you?